Positive and negative

Today ’s topic is "Positive and negative" Positive ... The tendency to be optimistic and take things in the right direction. Negative ... The pessimistic tendency to catch things in the wrong direction. I think that there are many people who generally think that it is a bad idea to hear negative In conclusion, it's not bad. People tend to think that positive thinking is good, Mr. Yanai, the representative of Fast Retailing, famous for “UNIQLO” is also known to have negative thinking. Even in the animal kingdom. Suppose you have a wild boar in the African savanna. If they're running around without thinking about the dangers, they won't live long If the human world is similar, and you do not think about dangerous things, you will have many useless failures. You will make mistakes that you do not need to experience. Negative is necessary to survive. Thinking about what may happ...